Tuesday, November 18, 2014

You make me happy.

Busy days, chaotic schedules, and the stresses of life can pile up sometimes. What keeps us sane, whole and coming back for more….is our family. These are the ones, who on the happiest and worst days, still make us HAPPY. A feathery tickle, a warm hug and a knowing look. They know you inside out. This is what it’s all about. Give in to your day, and remember who makes you happy. This little family of four, thankfully, has “Miss Giggles” on board, if you ever need reminding, how to let your hair down and just laugh. Thank you Renville family for a fun-filled, giggly fall morning.
Get your "happy" on, and watch this sweet little 
slideshow of my morning with the Renville's.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Doesn't get better than this.

The one thing I truly love about this job, is catching the fleeting little blink moments of a family....a tender look, the gentle clasp of a hand, a quiet snuggle or an intimate giggle between two. These little things that are our everyday–simple things that we take for granted in our busy days, that never seem as dear until captured in an image. These are the moments I linger on, that have such meaning for me. I hope they do for you too. Thank you Zerkee family for sharing your little blink moments with me on this Fall afternoon.
"Doesn't get better than this..." little slideshow. enjoy.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The look of love.

The look of love, and love and more LOVE. I never tire of capturing blink moments with this sweet little family of four. This fall session was no exception. I was drawn into their little LOVE BUBBLE a mere two minutes in. We've all gotten so comfy cozy, that there is no holding back for the camera...the giggles, the tickles, the affectionate and sometimes (blush), passionate kisses! tee hee. Love it all. Thank you Abott family, for sharing your love with me again and again. I adore you. 
There are far too many good pics to post...but enjoy our little slideshow below, for more of this little love-fest. xo