Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mother Love

Mother Love. There is no way to effectively describe the love between mother and child. It can only be felt. It is exhausting yet at the same time exhilarating. Fulfilling and overwhelming. Heartbreaking, and home of exquisite divinity. It is a love that is all encompassing–where do they begin and you end? An invisible thread binds you in a way, you never thought possible. It is the BIG LOVE. period. In a single day my heart aches for their tiny setbacks and overflows with abandon at their gleeful laughter. I know I am not alone in this love. It is universal and unconditional. This love is my world. I had the utmost pleasure of capturing a beautiful "love-story" with another devoted mother and her two children. See for yourself, what happens when love arrives in a BLINK. 

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