Tuesday, August 7, 2012


GRADUATION DAY. I’m here again, this year celebrating a sweet treasure of mine, who offered me the pleasure of following her stiletto journey on the whirlwind day, that was Grad. On such an occasion, I am incapable of escaping the palpable, spirited delights and cinderella moments that undeniabley make their mark on this day. I watch this beautiful, child-like woman on the precipice of life, taking a leap toward her future, and I close my eyes and imagine her hopeful, glittering world, and with every ounce of my being, I believe in her magic. See the world for all that it can be Missy, and you will forever SHINE. This I have no doubt. SHINE ON graduates of 2012. Congratulations. Love Auntie. xox

And more shiny, happy moments here...


THE JOURNEY AHEAD. The gift for me, following the day in the life of a graduate, is the dreamful glimmer of hope and aspirations for the future that sheild the day. The time and place in one's journey, where glittering eyes are wide open to discovery, looking for the greatest secrets of the world. It is a bewitching, energized perspective of the everyday. Here are some of those magical moments of one very beautiful girl on graduation day. Thank you for letting me into your sparkly world Teresa. Congratulations!